Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am FED UP with Gas Prices! Review

I am FED UP with gas prices! I mean $4.00 or more for ONE measly gallon of gas? You have GOT to be kidding me! I am a mother of two young children. Both my husband and I work from home, on the internet. We also homeschool our children. While it is true that we do not rely on gas as much as couples who may work outside the home, or transport their children to school, we use our share. When I do need gas, I do not want to go to a store and pay the better half of $75.00 of more to fill up my gas tank? I mean, come on, how does anyone truly afford to do this on a regular basis that is considered low to middle income?

I stumbled upon some articles online that make this claim that a car can be operated on a combination of gas and water. I was not too impressed initially, but I played to the idea. I do remember, however, that I was seriously thinking about pulling out the water hose and fill’in ‘er up! Based on the information that I found online, I created a list of my own expectations in finding a product that helps a vehicle run on water. It is below:

I want something that:

1. Helps reduce the amount of money that I pay to fuel my vehicle.

2. A safe product that will not cause harm to my motor.

3. A product that will work to ensure the proper maintenance of my vehicle – especially all of those internal components like valves, rings – you know what I mean.

4. A product that is relatively inexpensive and does not require the purchase of additional parts and components.

5. A product that is considered innovative and works with the most current models of vehicles on the road.

6. An innovative product that works to actually increase the amount of miles that I get per gallon in my automobile.

7. I like the whole “Going Green” thing. I mean, I have to worry about the environment that my children will be exposed to as they grow, right. I would like a product that will not harm the environment with dangerous emissions and other types of pollution.

8. A product that can actually reduce the amount of money that I have to spend on standard maintenance each year.

9. A tool or product that I can install on my vehicle myself. I am looking to SAVE money, not blow it. It is really important that I do not have to depend on an auto mechanic to do the work.

10. It is also really important that I find a legitimate solution to the whole gas preservation thing. There are so many scams online when it comes to products that specialize in “saving gas” that I just want to cut to the chase and find something that WILL work!

Guess What?

Once I spent a little bit of time researching for companies that matched my expectations, I discovered “Water4gas”. What really drew me into this product was the fact that it outlined EVERY SINGLE expectation that I had! I decided to try it out, and guess what? This whole water and gas combination to fuel vehicles really works! The expectations that I had are actually the ten main benefits to using “Water4gas”!

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